Describes conditions under which adhesive joints may be exposed to various climatic or chemical influences for the purpose of assessing the effects of such influences on certain properties. They are not necessarily applicable to the determination of the service life of a bonded assembly. The principle consists in defining the ageing conditions that relate most closely to the application for the adhesive by reference to the preferred conditions set out in annex A to annex F. These conditions are single-variable, multi-variable, cyclic, change of heat, cold (thermal shock), humidity, dryness, immersion in water or salt solutions, exposure to chemical attack and combinations of these.
Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn
ISO 9142
Tên tiêu chuẩn
Adhesives; guide to the selection of standard laboratory ageing conditions for testing bonded joints
Ngày phát hành
Tiêu chuẩn tương đương
DIN EN 29142 (1993-09), IDT * BS EN 29142 (1993-09-15), IDT * EN 29142 (1993-06), IDT * prEN 29142 (1992-09), IDT * NF T76-109 (1993-10-01), IDT * OENORM EN 29142 (1993-10-01), IDT * OENORM ISO 9142 (1991-09-01), IDT * PN-EN 29142 (1999-06-04), IDT * SS-ISO 9142 (1993-10-15), IDT * SS-EN 29142 (1993-10-15), IDT * UNE-EN 29142 (1995-07-19), IDT * NEN-ISO 9142:1996 en (1996-02-01), IDT
Thay thế cho
ISO/DIS 9142 (1987-08)
Thay thế bằng
ISO 9142 (2003-12)
Từ khóa
Adhesive-bonded joints * Adhesives * Ageing (materials) * Ageing tests * Guidelines * Laboratory testing * Laboratory tests * Plastics * Testing * Testing conditions * Tests