This European Standard is a product standard which specifies the performance requirements of cylindrical steel fabrications for use in single wall steel chimneys and steel liners for free-standing chimneys used to convey the flue gas from appliances to the outside atmosphere. It specifies also the requirements for insulation and cladding being part of the single wall steel chimney and liner, it provides for the evaluation of conformity of steel chimney/liners to this EN. It is essential that the steel chimneys/steel chimney products manufactured in accordance with this European Standard comply with the requirements given in EN 13084-1 and ENV 1993-3-2.
Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn
prEN 13084-7
Tên tiêu chuẩn
Free-standing chimneys - Part 7: Product specifications of cylindrical steel fabrications for use in single wall steel chimneys and steel liners
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Từ khóa
Bricks * Chimney breasts * Chimney terminals * Chimneys * Components * Conformity * Construction * Construction materials * Construction operations * Cylindrical shape * Design * Detached * Determinations * Dimensions * Exhaust systems * Features * Flue gas outlets * Gas tightness * Heat engineering * Homogeneous * Industries * Internal tubes * Limits (mathematics) * Load measurement * Marking * Masonry * Material behaviour * Materials * Performance requirements * Planning * Product specification * Product specifications * Quality * Safety * Safety requirements * Shape * Specification (approval) * Steel grades * Steel pipes * Steels * Structural steel work * Surface spread of flame * Temperature class * Temperature dependence * Thermal insulation * Types * Yield strength * Steel tubes * Bodies