During the life of a lighting installation, the light available progressively decreases. The reduction rates are a function of environmental, operating and age conditions. In lighting design we must take account of this fall by the use of a maintenance factor and plan suitable maintenance schedules to limit the decay. This guide provides information on suggested maintenance factors and the selection of suitable equipment. It describes the parameters influencing the depreciation process and develops the procedure for estimating the economic maintenance cycles for outdoor electric lighting installations and gives advice on servicing techniques.
Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn
CIE 154
Tên tiêu chuẩn
Maintenance of outdoor lighting systems
Ngày phát hành
Tiêu chuẩn liên quan
CIE 97 (1992) * BS 5489-2 (1992-08-15) * CIE 88 (1990) * CIE 94 (1993) * IEC 60598-1 (2003-10)
Từ khóa
Contamination * Costing * Costs * Exterior areas * Influence factors * Lighting plants * Lighting systems * Maintenance * Maintenance intervals * Maintenance lists * Maintenance work * Outdoor lighting * Road lighting * Service manual * Services * Spare parts * Standby lighting * Surveillance (approval) * Street lighting