This specification provides standard processes, instructions and default parameters for using the Physics of Failure (PoF) approach for modeling the reliability of electronic products. It includes a discussion of the philosophy, context for use, definitions, models for key failure mechanisms, definition of the input data required, default values if technically feasible or the typical range of values as a guideline. It defines how modeling results are interpreted and used. It requires the documentation of modeling inputs, assumptions made during the analysis, modifications to the models and rationale for the analysis.
Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn
Tên tiêu chuẩn
Physics of Failure Reliability Predictions
Ngày phát hành
Từ khóa
Analysis * Data default * Definitions * Documentation * Electronic products * Failure * Input * Instructions * Keys * Mechanism * Modelling * Models * Modification * Parameters * Philosophy * Physics * Prediction * Range of values * Reliability * Values * Patterns