This European Standard specifies safety requirements and test methods for ice anchors, i.e. ice screws and ice pitons for use in mountaineering including climbing.
Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn
DS/EN 568
Tên tiêu chuẩn
Mountaineering equipment - Ice anchors - Safety requirements and test methods
Ngày phát hành
Tiêu chuẩn tương đương
IDTEN 568:2007, IDT
Thay thế cho
DS/EN 568:1997
Từ khóa
ANCHORAGES * ANCHORING DEVICES * APPROVAL MARKS * CLIMBING DEVICES * DATA OF THE MANUFACTURER * DEFINITION * DEFINITIONS * DIMENSIONS * EQUIPMENT SAFETY * HOLDINGS * HOOKS * ICE * INSPECTION * LEISURE EQUIPMENT * LISTS * MARKING * MOUNTAINEERING EQUIPMENT * MOUNTAINEERS * OUTDOOR SPORTS EQUIPMENT * PROTECTIVE CLOTHING * RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT * SAFETY * SAFETY DEVICES * SAFETY ENGINEERING * SAFETY REQUIREMENTS * SCREWS (BOLTS) * SPECIFICATION (APPROVAL) * SPORTS EQUIPMENT * STRESS * SURVEY OF STANDARDS * SURVEYS * TESTING * USER INFORMATION * WEAR RESISTANCE * Anchorages * Approval marks * Climbing devices * Recreational equipment * Lifting hooks * Protective clothing * Equipment safety * Ice * Stabilization * Sports equipment * Safety engineering * Screws (bolts) * Voltage * Registers * Survey of standards * Wear resistance * Loading * Mountaineers * Testing * Directories * Inspection * Lists * Surveys * Data of the manufacturer * Safety * Holdings * Locking devices * Outdoor sports equipment * Leisure equipment * Fuses * Safety requirements * Marking * Dimensions * Definitions * Dictionaries * Mountaineering equipment * User information * Safety devices * Hooks * Anchoring devices * Stress * Specification (approval)