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DD ENV 1995-1-1:1994

Eurocode 5. Design of timber structures. General rules and rules for buildings (together with United Kingdom National Application Document)

Số trang: 138
Ngày phát hành: 1994-12-15

Liên hệ
Gives principles and application rules for timber structures for trial application in the design of building and civil engineering works. The accompanying UK National Application Document enables the Eurocode to be used for design of structures to be constructed in the UK.
Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn
DD ENV 1995-1-1:1994
Tên tiêu chuẩn
Eurocode 5. Design of timber structures. General rules and rules for buildings (together with United Kingdom National Application Document)
Ngày phát hành
Trạng thái
Hết hiệu lực
Tiêu chuẩn tương đương
ENV 1995-1-1:1994 IDT
Tiêu chuẩn liên quan
BS 648 * BS 5268:Part 2 * BS 5268:Part 3 * BS 5268:Section 6.1 * BS 6399:Part 1 * BS 6399:Part 3 * CP 3:Chapter V:Part 2 * BS EN 301 * BS EN 335-1 * BS EN 335-2 * BS EN 380 * BS EN 460 * BS EN 10147 * EN 26891 * EN 28970 * ISO 2081 * ISO 2631-2 * BS 4978 * BS 5291 * BS 5756 * Building Regulations 1991
Thay thế cho
Thay thế bằng
Lịch sử ban hành
Từ khóa
Buildings * Construction engineering works * Structural design * Structural systems * Structural timber * Softwoods * Hardwoods * Laminates * Panels * Solid (shape) * Sawn timber * Planed timber * Poles * Plywood * Particle boards * Fibre building board * Joists * Adhesives * Approval organizations * Serviceability limits * Corrosion protection * Design calculations * Dimensional changes * Vibration * Statistical methods of analysis * Fasteners * Sheet materials * Metals * Plates * Planks * Boards * Tiles * Sheets
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