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DS/EN 14952

Surfaces for sports areas - Determination of water absorption of unbound minerals

Số trang: 12
Ngày phát hành: 2006-07-27

Liên hệ
This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of water absorption of unbound minerals (grain size till 6 mm) for outdoor sports surfaces.
Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn
DS/EN 14952
Tên tiêu chuẩn
Surfaces for sports areas - Determination of water absorption of unbound minerals
Ngày phát hành
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Có hiệu lực
Tiêu chuẩn tương đương
IDTEN 14952:2005, IDT
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Lịch sử ban hành
Từ khóa
CONSTRUCTION * DETERMINATION * ELASTOMERS * FLOOR COVERINGS * FLOOR FOR SPORTING ACTIVITIES * GRAIN SIZE * MATERIALS * MINERALS * SPORTS * SPORTS AREAS * SPORTS FACILITIES * TEST EQUIPMENT * TESTING * WATER ABSORPTION * RUBBER * Sports * Floor for sporting activities * Test equipment * Cloth * Water absorption * Fabrics * Substances * Determination * Elastomers * Rubber * Grain size * Materials * Floor coverings * Construction * Sports areas * Testing * Sports facilities * Minerals
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