This Standard specifies the terminology and classification of the agglomerated stone products. Agglomerated stone products are industrial products mainly made of hydraulic cement, resin or mixture of both, stones and other additions. They are industrial manufactured in geometrical shapes at a fixed plant by means of moulding techniques. The are put on the marked in the for of dimensional shapes and cut to size material.
Số hiệu tiêu chuẩn
DS/EN 14618
Tên tiêu chuẩn
Agglomerated stone - Terminology and classification
Ngày phát hành
Tiêu chuẩn tương đương
IDTEN 14618:2005, IDT
Thay thế bằng
DS/EN 14618:2009
Lịch sử ban hành
DS/EN 14618:2009*DS/EN 14618
Từ khóa
CONGLOMERATES * AGGLOMERATION * STONE * MASONRY WORK * CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS * BLOCKS (BUILDING) * TERMINOLOGY * VOCABULARY * CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS * BUILDING STONES * BLOCKS * CLASSIFICATIONS * Agglomeration * Construction materials * Blocks (building) * Classification systems * Stone * Pads * Classifications * Masonry work * Module * Conglomerates * Blocks * Vocabulary * Terminology